As an entertainment powerhouse, the Barbie® brand has been bringing fans of all ages engaging content for decades. Now, in collaboration with EMS Entertainment, Barbie will bring fans a new opportunity to sing and dance with the introduction of an all-new musical, Barbie™ LIVE! Barbie LIVE! is an engaging production featuring contemporary music with empowering lyrics, energetic choreography and a modern storyline that will appeal to fans of all ages. Barbie LIVE! debuted last September in Singapore and will travel Asia through 2014. In Manila, the show will be staged at the Mall of Asia Arena from December 11-15, 2013 with 11 performances only.
Wednesday, December 04, 2013
Saturday, November 30, 2013
years, a mother’s understanding of her child’s brain development solely depends
on the child’s test scores. Coming from this belief, the other vital components
of honing a child’s psychological, physical and social needs are overlooked.
This has led to a new model of thinking called the theory of Multiple
Intelligence, in which intelligence is no longer limited to just the IQ.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Citi, Asset lead discussion on expanding Philippine capital markets
Kong-based The Asset financial magazine, in association with the Fund Managers
Association of the Philippines (FMAP), recently hosted its annual Philippine
Forum at Hotel Intercontinental Manila.
at the heels of the Philippines’ receiving its latest investment grade rating,
the forum focused on the theme “Tracking infrastructure support for the capital
market”, addressing the critical role infrastructure plays to ensure sustained
growth of capital markets.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Preventing Otitis Media
Ear infection is also known as acute otitis media (otitis = ear, media = middle). Otitis media is an infection of the middle section of the ear.These are a common problem in children. About 50 percent of infants have at least one ear infection by their first birthday. Ear infections can cause pain in the ear, fever, and temporary hearing loss and general signs such as loss of appetite and irritability. Some children get better without specific antibiotic treatment but most young infants benefit from use of an antimicrobial agent.
Ear infections most often develop after a viral respiratory tract infection, such as a cold or the flu. These infections can cause swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, and diminish normal host defenses such as clearance of bacteria from the nose, increasing the amount of bacteria in the nose. Viral respiratory tract infections also can impair Eustachian tube function. Normal Eustachian tube function is important for maintaining normal pressure in the ear. Impaired Eustachian tube function changes the pressure in the middle ear (like when you are flying in an airplane). Fluid (called an effusion) may form in the middle ear and bacteria and viruses follow, resulting in inflammation in the middle ear . The increased pressure causes the eardrum to bulge, leading to the typical symptoms of fever, pain, and fussiness in young children.
Symptoms of an ear infection in adolescents and older children may include ear aching or pain and temporary hearing loss. These symptoms usually come on suddenly.
In infants and young children, symptoms of an ear infection can include:
Pulling on the ear
Fussiness or irritability
Decreased activity
Lack of appetite or difficulty eating
Vomiting or diarrhea
If you suspect that your child has an ear infection, call your doctor or nurse to see if and when the child should be examined.
Although the exam is not painful, most infants and children do not like having their ears examined. To make the process easier, hold your child in your lap and hug your child's arms and body while the doctor or nurse uses an instrument (otoscope) to look inside the child's ear. Often cerumen (ear wax) will need to be removed so your doctor or nurse can get a good view of the ear drum.
The doctor or nurse can tell if your child has an ear infection by looking at the ear drum (tympanic membrane) for the typical features of an ear infection.
Treatment of an ear infection may include:
Medicines to treat pain and fever
A combination of the above
The "best" treatment depends on the child's age, history of previous infections, degree of illness, and any underlying medical problems.
Antibiotics — Antibiotics are usually given to infants who are younger than 24 months or who have high fever or infection in both ears. Children who are older than 24 months and have mild symptoms may be treated with an antibiotic or observed to see if they improve without antibiotics.
Antibiotics can have side effects such as diarrhea and rash, and overusing antibiotics can lead to more difficult to treat (resistant) bacteria. Resistance means that a particular antibiotic no longer works or that higher doses are needed next time.
Observation — In some cases, your child's doctor or nurse will recommend that you watch your child at home before starting antibiotics; this is called observation. Observation can help to determine whether antibiotics are needed.
Observation may be recommended in these situations:
If the child is older than 24 months
If ear pain and fever are not severe
If the child is otherwise healthy
You can give pain-relieving medicines during observation to ease pain. (See 'Pain management' below.)
If your child is being observed rather than treated with antibiotics, you will need to call or go back to the doctor or nurse's office after 24 hours for follow-up. If your child's pain or fever continues or worsens, antibiotics are usually recommended; observation may continue if the child is improving.
Pain management — Pain-relieving medicines, including ibuprofen (sample brand name: Motrin), acetaminophen (sample brand name: Tylenol), or ear drops (sample brand name: Auralgan) that contain a numbing medicine, may be used to reduce discomfort.
Complementary and alternative medical treatments — There are a wide variety of complementary and alternative medical (CAM) treatments advertised to treat ear infections. These may include homeopathic, naturopathic, chiropractic, and acupuncture treatments.
There are few scientific studies of CAM treatments for ear infection, and even fewer studies that show CAM treatments to be effective. As a result, these treatments are not recommended for ear infections in children.
Decongestants and antihistamines — Cough and cold medicines (which usually include a decongestant or antihistamine) have not been proven to speed healing or reduce complications of ear infections in children. In addition, these treatments have side effects that can be dangerous. Neither decongestants nor antihistamines are recommended for children with ear infections.
Follow-up — Your child's symptoms should improve within 24 to 48 hours whether or not antibiotics were prescribed. If your child does not improve after 48 hours or gets worse, call your doctor or nurse for advice. Although fever and discomfort may continue even after starting antibiotics, the child should get a little better every day. If your child appears more ill than when seen by his or her health care provider, contact the provider as soon as possible.
Children who are younger than two years and those who have language or learning problems should have a follow-up ear exam two to three months after being treated for an ear infection. These children are at risk for delays in learning to speak. This follow-up helps to ensure that the fluid collection (which can affect hearing) has resolved. (See 'Ear infection complications' below.)
Tympanic membrane rupture — One of the common complications of an ear infection is rupture of the ear drum, also known as the tympanic membrane. The tympanic membrane can rupture when fluid presses on the membrane, reducing blood flow and causing the tissue to weaken. It does not hurt when the membrane ruptures, and many children actually feel better because pressure is released. Fortunately, the tympanic membrane usually heals quickly after rupturing, within hours to days. Rupture of the ear drum is an indication for antibiotic treatment of an ear infection.
Hearing loss — The fluid that collects behind the eardrum (called an effusion) can persist for weeks to months after the pain of an ear infection resolves. An effusion causes trouble hearing, which is usually temporary. If the fluid persists, however, it can interfere with the process of learning to speak.
Effusions usually resolve without any treatment. However, if the effusion persists for more than three months, the child may need treatment with a surgical procedure. The decision to treat is based upon how much the effusion affects the child's hearing and the child's risk of speech problems.
Children who are not treated for an effusion should be monitored over time. This includes an ear exam and hearing testing every three to six months until the effusion goes away.
Some children develop ear infections frequently. Recurrent ear infections are defined as three or more infections in six months, or four or more infections within 12 months. In addition to receiving the pneumococcal and influenza vaccines, as recommended for all children, several interventions can help reduce the risk of recurrent infections. These include avoidance of tobacco smoke, breastfeeding, continuous low dose antibiotics, and/or surgical placement of tubes in the ears.
Preventive antibiotics — Children who have recurrent ear infections are sometimes treated with a preventive regimen of a daily antibiotic during the fall, winter, and early spring months. Although preventive antibiotics might help reduce the number of ear infections, it is still possible for the child to get an infection. There is also a risk that taking antibiotics for a long period of time can lead to bacteria that are resistant to standard antibiotics. Talk to your child's doctor or nurse about the potential benefits and risks of this approach.
Surgery — Some studies show that having surgery to place tympanostomy tubes in the ears helps to prevent recurrent ear infections. Other studies show no benefit of tympanostomy tubes for prevention of recurrences. Talk to your child's doctor about the risks and benefits of surgery.

Ear infections most often develop after a viral respiratory tract infection, such as a cold or the flu. These infections can cause swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, and diminish normal host defenses such as clearance of bacteria from the nose, increasing the amount of bacteria in the nose. Viral respiratory tract infections also can impair Eustachian tube function. Normal Eustachian tube function is important for maintaining normal pressure in the ear. Impaired Eustachian tube function changes the pressure in the middle ear (like when you are flying in an airplane). Fluid (called an effusion) may form in the middle ear and bacteria and viruses follow, resulting in inflammation in the middle ear . The increased pressure causes the eardrum to bulge, leading to the typical symptoms of fever, pain, and fussiness in young children.

Symptoms of an ear infection in adolescents and older children may include ear aching or pain and temporary hearing loss. These symptoms usually come on suddenly.
In infants and young children, symptoms of an ear infection can include:
Pulling on the ear
Fussiness or irritability
Decreased activity
Lack of appetite or difficulty eating
Vomiting or diarrhea
If you suspect that your child has an ear infection, call your doctor or nurse to see if and when the child should be examined.
Although the exam is not painful, most infants and children do not like having their ears examined. To make the process easier, hold your child in your lap and hug your child's arms and body while the doctor or nurse uses an instrument (otoscope) to look inside the child's ear. Often cerumen (ear wax) will need to be removed so your doctor or nurse can get a good view of the ear drum.
The doctor or nurse can tell if your child has an ear infection by looking at the ear drum (tympanic membrane) for the typical features of an ear infection.
Treatment of an ear infection may include:
Medicines to treat pain and fever
A combination of the above
The "best" treatment depends on the child's age, history of previous infections, degree of illness, and any underlying medical problems.
Antibiotics — Antibiotics are usually given to infants who are younger than 24 months or who have high fever or infection in both ears. Children who are older than 24 months and have mild symptoms may be treated with an antibiotic or observed to see if they improve without antibiotics.
Antibiotics can have side effects such as diarrhea and rash, and overusing antibiotics can lead to more difficult to treat (resistant) bacteria. Resistance means that a particular antibiotic no longer works or that higher doses are needed next time.
Observation — In some cases, your child's doctor or nurse will recommend that you watch your child at home before starting antibiotics; this is called observation. Observation can help to determine whether antibiotics are needed.
Observation may be recommended in these situations:
If the child is older than 24 months
If ear pain and fever are not severe
If the child is otherwise healthy
You can give pain-relieving medicines during observation to ease pain. (See 'Pain management' below.)
If your child is being observed rather than treated with antibiotics, you will need to call or go back to the doctor or nurse's office after 24 hours for follow-up. If your child's pain or fever continues or worsens, antibiotics are usually recommended; observation may continue if the child is improving.
Pain management — Pain-relieving medicines, including ibuprofen (sample brand name: Motrin), acetaminophen (sample brand name: Tylenol), or ear drops (sample brand name: Auralgan) that contain a numbing medicine, may be used to reduce discomfort.
Complementary and alternative medical treatments — There are a wide variety of complementary and alternative medical (CAM) treatments advertised to treat ear infections. These may include homeopathic, naturopathic, chiropractic, and acupuncture treatments.
There are few scientific studies of CAM treatments for ear infection, and even fewer studies that show CAM treatments to be effective. As a result, these treatments are not recommended for ear infections in children.
Decongestants and antihistamines — Cough and cold medicines (which usually include a decongestant or antihistamine) have not been proven to speed healing or reduce complications of ear infections in children. In addition, these treatments have side effects that can be dangerous. Neither decongestants nor antihistamines are recommended for children with ear infections.
Follow-up — Your child's symptoms should improve within 24 to 48 hours whether or not antibiotics were prescribed. If your child does not improve after 48 hours or gets worse, call your doctor or nurse for advice. Although fever and discomfort may continue even after starting antibiotics, the child should get a little better every day. If your child appears more ill than when seen by his or her health care provider, contact the provider as soon as possible.
Children who are younger than two years and those who have language or learning problems should have a follow-up ear exam two to three months after being treated for an ear infection. These children are at risk for delays in learning to speak. This follow-up helps to ensure that the fluid collection (which can affect hearing) has resolved. (See 'Ear infection complications' below.)
Tympanic membrane rupture — One of the common complications of an ear infection is rupture of the ear drum, also known as the tympanic membrane. The tympanic membrane can rupture when fluid presses on the membrane, reducing blood flow and causing the tissue to weaken. It does not hurt when the membrane ruptures, and many children actually feel better because pressure is released. Fortunately, the tympanic membrane usually heals quickly after rupturing, within hours to days. Rupture of the ear drum is an indication for antibiotic treatment of an ear infection.
Hearing loss — The fluid that collects behind the eardrum (called an effusion) can persist for weeks to months after the pain of an ear infection resolves. An effusion causes trouble hearing, which is usually temporary. If the fluid persists, however, it can interfere with the process of learning to speak.
Effusions usually resolve without any treatment. However, if the effusion persists for more than three months, the child may need treatment with a surgical procedure. The decision to treat is based upon how much the effusion affects the child's hearing and the child's risk of speech problems.
Children who are not treated for an effusion should be monitored over time. This includes an ear exam and hearing testing every three to six months until the effusion goes away.
Some children develop ear infections frequently. Recurrent ear infections are defined as three or more infections in six months, or four or more infections within 12 months. In addition to receiving the pneumococcal and influenza vaccines, as recommended for all children, several interventions can help reduce the risk of recurrent infections. These include avoidance of tobacco smoke, breastfeeding, continuous low dose antibiotics, and/or surgical placement of tubes in the ears.
Preventive antibiotics — Children who have recurrent ear infections are sometimes treated with a preventive regimen of a daily antibiotic during the fall, winter, and early spring months. Although preventive antibiotics might help reduce the number of ear infections, it is still possible for the child to get an infection. There is also a risk that taking antibiotics for a long period of time can lead to bacteria that are resistant to standard antibiotics. Talk to your child's doctor or nurse about the potential benefits and risks of this approach.
Surgery — Some studies show that having surgery to place tympanostomy tubes in the ears helps to prevent recurrent ear infections. Other studies show no benefit of tympanostomy tubes for prevention of recurrences. Talk to your child's doctor about the risks and benefits of surgery.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Tupperware Brands’ Women of Confidence
on its second year, the Search for Women of Confidence recognizes strong
and confident Filipinas who have achieved great things and inspired others to be
the best they can be. Tupperware Brands Philippines also supports women who have
proven that confidence brings about power to change lives.

Chain of Confidence: After a nationwide search of Tupperware Brands' annual Women of Confidence, In keeping with the brand's Chain of Confidence global campaign where real, everyday women are nominated on how they've made a difference in their community, the Filipina is celebrated! Colour Collection cosmetics help usher these women to changing the world, one person at a time. As the Chain of Confidence Philippine Ambassador, same role Brooke Shields & Kelly Clarkson carry in the US, "The change begins with me

Tupperware Brands Philippines’ Women of Confidence honors
five exemplary Filipinas who helped bring about change, one family and one
community at a time. As part of its commitment to enlighten, educate and
empower women, Tupperware recognizes women who have achieved great things and inspired others to realize their potential and
be the best that they can be.
“Filipinas are
strong and independent, passionate and compassionate – a perfect mix of the
traits of a woman of confidence. Through the Search for Women of Confidence, we
honor these outstanding Filipinas who initiated positive change in their family
lives, fields of work, and community through their exemplary attitude and
self-assurance,” explained Perry Mogar, Tupperware Brands Philippines managing
Each of the nominees were
judged based on their story of confidence, which should show how her act of confidence
brought about positive change in her family, her community, or in society.
To know more about the 2013 Tupperware Brands Philippines
Search for Women of Confidence, visit I Am Confidence in Facebook,
and the I Am Confidence microsite,
You may also visit the Tupperware Brands Philippines website at
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Enzacta Helps Rebuild Lives

ENZACTA is a company dedicated to generate a real change in the Direct Sales Industry. Enzacta is a solid corporation that has shown rapid growth in the industry. Enzacta’s success is derived from the prevailing industry of network marketing and sales with more than 70 years of proven successful experience and ambitious entrepreneurial vision featuring patented software and leading technology

. Enzacta is devoted to acquiring state of the art technology in electronic commerce and to changing the nutritional industry with our world class products.
The mission of ENZACTA is to offer the best products and services to the Individual Business Owner (IBO) who wishes to build a profitable business at home by helping others to lead a healthier life. Enzacta’s Board of Directors features unparalleled leaders that have put decades of experience in health supplement industries intro practice. The management team has established several successful corporation in Direct Sales and personal-care marketing.

The life changing results that people are getting from this product is creating a huge demand in several countries around the world—and you’re one of the first in North America to hear about it. Hundreds of doctors are trying PXP and many are recommending it to their patients.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Honda donates Php 5 Million to victims of super typhoon “Yolanda”
The Honda Group of Companies in the Philippines would like to express its deepest sympathy to the flood victims of southwest monsoon rain caused by super typhoon “Yolanda” (international name Haiyan). Through its Corporate Social Responsibility arm, Honda Foundation, Inc., the local Honda subsidiaries will provide one (1) million Pesos to help assist in the relief and recovery efforts.
The Honda Group of Companies in the Philippines, composed of Honda Philippines, Inc. (Manufacturer and distributor Honda motorcycles and power products), Honda Cars Philippines, Inc. (Manufacturer and distributor of Honda automobiles), Honda Parts Manufacturing Corp. (Manufacturer of automobile component parts) and Honda Trading Philippines Ecozone Corp. (Trading company), is one with the nation in continuously praying for the immediate healing of the victims and their families and the recovery of the affected areas.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
HaloHalo Win In Luneta

Fun and games with friends (cute and scary alike!) at Mabuhay Restop this Saturday, October 19. Wear your best Filipino-inspired costumes and win prizes from Columbia and ManilArt 2013!
Time: 2pm-5pm
Venue: Mabuhay Restop, South Drive Area II, Rizal Park, Ermita, Manila
Time: 2pm-5pm
Venue: Mabuhay Restop, South Drive Area II, Rizal Park, Ermita, Manila
1. Complete the registration/reservation form via
2. You will receive an email for payment instructions. All payment must be made via bank deposit within three days upon registration.
3. Email the bank deposit slip to us at
4. You will receive a confirmation email along with your e-ticket.
5. Present your e-ticket during the event.
HaloHalo Win In Luneta,
Mabuhay Restop
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Caritas Manila Buy and Give Expo

Caritas Manla is celebrating 60 years of living faith in its social mission.
Wednesday, October 09, 2013
What is Segunda Mana?
Literally, the term means "secondhand". But in this case, Segunda Mana,also known as Caritas in Kind, is a fund-raising project that collects items you don't need—used or unused—which have value and may be sold. It was launched on October 27,2007 by Caritas Manila. Proceeds from the sale of donated items will fund Caritas Manila's programs for the poor.
Segunda Mana is inspired by the spirituality of stewardship. As a way of life, stewardship challenges all of us to serve others using the gifts we have received. Since everything we have comes from God, our attitude must not only consist of gratitude but also of a deep sense of especially for those who are most in need.
What can you donate?
Giving usually means sharing what is precious to us. But with Segunda Mana, you can help by giving what you don't need anymore, because what is no longer useful to you may still be valuable to others. Segunda Mana allows you to free up space in the workplace or home while helping those most in need at the same time.
Segunda Mana accepts the following items:
- OLD ITEMS that can still be used
- USED ITEMS that still have value
For inquiries and assign for pick-up items you want to donate, you may call them at (632) 564-0205 to 562-0020 to 25 or email us at and
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
Caritas Margins
Caritas Manila markets the products of its urban poor partners under the Caritas Margins label as well as paintings by inmates it supports under the Caritas Restorative Justice Program. This way, it helps its urban poor partners and families of prisoners augment their income and improve their quality of life. Proceeds from the sales of the Caritas Margins products also support the Caritas scholarship program, the Youth and Servant Leadership and Education Program.
“Margins” was coined from “marginalized”, referring to groups who are neglected, deprived, ignored; in other words, the poor. The “Caritas Margins” label was registered with the Intellectual Property of the Philippines (IPP) in year 2011. It is an offshoot of the Skills Training Program of Caritas Manila, which has conducted various trainings on crafting fashion accessories, production of herbal soaps, perfume, medicinal ointments and homecare products and food processing & commercial cooking for the benefit of its urban poor partners since year 2009. To date, a total of 32,937 urban poor partners have acquired livelihood skills from these trainings, which have been put to practical use in their products and services.
Below is a non-exhaustive list of Caritas Margins products:
1. Paintings – Artworks by prisoners in the National Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City. The artist inmates typically use acrylic or oil to express their creativity and imagination, depicting still life, nature and religious images.
2. Knotted Rosary –the knotted rosaries are intricately crafted also by inmates in the National Bilibid Prison.
3. Bakya and sandals – Made from dried water lilies abundant in the Laguna de Bay, these are handcrafted by women from Cupang, Muntinlupa City.
4. Bead Products – Made from beads in various designs, these bags, coin purse, wallets, pen holders and rosaries are produced by the urban poor partners trained by Caritas Manila through its Livelihood Program.
5. Bags –These are bags sewn by men and women from Tondo, Manila out of recycled denim, katsa, jute bags and tarpaulin. There are also bags and other items crafted from recycled papers by inmates in San Juan City jail.
6. Mr. Bean bear and other stuffed toys – Stuffed toys sewn from denim by men and women from Tondo, Manila
7. Home Care Products – products such as dishwashing liquid, hand soap and detergent powder are being manufactured by Caritas Youth Servant Leaders and other partners, under the supervision of a volunteer licensed chemist.
Monday, October 07, 2013
Nokia Lumia 1020
Nokia recently unveiled the Nokia Lumia 1020 in the Philippines, the smartphone that sets a new benchmark in smartphone imaging.
The Nokia Lumia 1020 is able to produce some of the sharpest images possible by any digital camera thanks to Nokia’s innovative PureView technology, including a second generation 41 megapixel sensor, six lens Carl Zeiss optics with optical image stabilization – allowing people to capture, edit and share professional quality photos and videos.
Sunday, October 06, 2013
Saturday, October 05, 2013
Women drivers in Las PiƱas were given an education session in safer driving and car maintenance recently as part of a series of Goodyear Women With Drive workshops making their way around the Philippines to promote road safety.
The Goodyear Hi-PerformanceCenter in Alabang played host to some two dozen female motorists who learned the basics of vehicle and tire care along with tips on responsible driving from the TRSDefensiveDrivingAcademy. The session began with a discussion of vehicle parts that included fluids, electricals, belts, hoses, wipers and tires. A module on driving techniques for wet and dry weather and car maintenance basics then preceded a more practical session which found participants identifying under body parts, observing how engines work and changing tires.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Chippendales: The Philippine Tour Live
Ladies, are you looking for something exciting to do with your friends? Let’s say, an ultimate girls night out? I don’t think anything will top what we have in mind. You and your girlfriends can grab tickets to see the Chippendales. They’ll be performing at the Newport Performing Arts Theater and your group can enjoy every dance move, costume change, or whatever spontaneous thing they do. Has this tickled your fancy? It isn’t over. You haven't seen anything yet
Monday, June 10, 2013
Transform Yourself with Schick

THE RETURN OF SUPERMAN. In tandem with the release of “Man of Steel™”, Schick
Razor will be releasing limited edition Superman – Schick packs.
Schick razor introduces
the special edition Superman-branded “Man of Steel” packs in tandem with the release
of the highly anticipated Superman film. These packs include Exacta 2
disposables, kits and refill, Quattro Titanium and Freestyle systems and
Wednesday, June 05, 2013

For years, Coca-Cola has etched an indelible mark in showcasing magnificent levels of creative surprises. This year isn’t going to be any different. Just when you thought that you’ve seen it all, the brand that we have come to love is brewing up another amazing surprise. Starting today June 5, 2013, red Mystery Crates will be seen across different locations of your loved malls.
Tuesday, June 04, 2013
Text scammers use Villar Foundation in latest con attempt

If its too good to be true it probably is!! An old, recycled scam via Small-Messaging-System (SMS) or text-messaging is out anew albeit with new “improvements.”
Friday, May 31, 2013
Senator-Elect Cynthia Villar Launches Plastic Recycling Factory
Using a set of machines worth p5 million, the factory makes school chairs from plastic. The amount may be staggering but it is a small price to pay if we’re talking about eradicating the stench from garbage.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Alaska Celebrates World Milk Day
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Beauty Handled by Experts within your reach Skin, Slimming, Laser and Spa

As clients become more informed of the latest technologies in the aesthetic and wellness industry, a good number of them are also turning more cautious and selective in getting their dose of cosmetic treatments. True that you can get the usual facial or slimming treatment about anywhere, you may also experience side effects and longer downtime from such procedures most especially if you availed it from
untrained individuals. One of the main strengths of Skin Rejuve is providing its savvy pool of clients non-
invasive aesthetic treatments that make use of high end, cutting edge equipment and skin care products handled by trained personnel and is most definitely medically supervised.

Cryolipolysis , a non-invasive treatment that uses cold temperatures to reduce fat tissue on areas of the body with the densest amount of fat tissue, such as the abdomen, back, waist and thighs. With Cryolipolysis, the cold can breakdown areas of fat tissue by targeting adipocytes (fat cells). Once the adipocytes have shrunk or withered from the cold temperatures, they will eventually be metabolized by the lymphatic system. This method affects, or “freezes” the subcutaneous layers of fat tissue without disturbing the normal temperature of the epidermis.
Skin Rejuve’s impressive line of service won’t be complete without its Non-Surgical Rejuvinating and Anti-aging procedures, like Botulinum Toxin treatment, V-Lift Treading, Restylane Dermal Fillers, Stem Cell Therapy and other Fractional Lasers treatments, which is spearheaded by Dr. Sidney Cu.

Dr. Cu is a board certified dermatologist, and has advance dermatologic and cosmetic surgery training in Japan. He is a renown lecturer and product specialist of Sweden’s No. 1 Dermal Filler, Restylane and Korea’s No. 1 Botulinum Toxin Cunox. He has extensive experience in Tread Lifting, Fractional Resurfacing Laser and other various dermatologic and cosmetic procedures. Having him in the team,
clients of Skin Rejuve can experience world class service.
For information, log on to Tel. No. (02)494-2315, (02)268-0350
(02) 480-6028
Clinic Hours: Monday to Sunday – 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 pm.
Thursday, May 09, 2013
Monday, May 06, 2013
Cynthia Villar is now a Regal Baby

‘REGAL BABIES’ – “Regal Babies”… in the field of politics..Mother Lily Monteverde calls them. They’re senatorial candidates who the lady producer is supporting. Closest to Mother Lily are Grace Poe, Loren Legarda, and Chiz Escudero.
Friday, May 03, 2013
CFC FFL Endorses White Vote 6 + 3!

The LAIKO (lay groups officially recognized by the CBCP) last night launched the White Vote Movement (
Thursday, May 02, 2013

Misis Hanepbuhay Cynthia Villar and Dagupan City officials headed by Mayor Benjamin Lim lead the ceremonial lighting of grilling pads during the Kalutan Ed Dalan (bangus grilling on the street), one of the highlights of Dagupan’s Bangus Festival. Also present was Puerto Princesa Mayor Edward Hagedorn.
Wednesday, May 01, 2013
Cynthia Villar and Her Platforms

Cynthia Villar, senatorial candidate for 2013 – Team PNoy, Nacionalista Party
Cynthia Villar dubbed as Mrs. Hanepbuhay is a 2013 Senatorial elections candidate of the Nacionalista Party, the oldest political party in the Philippines presided by her husband Senator Manuel Villar. Cynthia Villar is also included in the administration coalition’s senatorial state which is endorsed by President Benigno Aquino III.
She was a congresswoman from Las Pinas in the 15th congress until her son Las PiƱas City Representative Mark Villar succeeded her. The late Dr. Filemon Aguilar, who was mayor of Las PiƱas and also a congressman from the Lone District at one time, is her father. Vergel Aguilar or Nene Aguilar, the mayor of Las PiƱas for the fifth term, is her brother. Cynthia Villar was first elected to Congress in 2001 and served three consecutive terms.
As representative and president of the Association of Lady Legislators in Congress, Cynthia Villar has authored or jointly sponsored the following bills: R.A. No. 9208, Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003, R.A. No. 9262, Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004, An Act Allowing Illegitimate Children to Use the Surname of their Father, Amending for the Purpose Article 176 of the Family Code of the Philippines, R.A. No. 9344, Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006, R.A. No. 9257, Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003, and R.A. No. 9710, The Magna Carta of Women.
Villar is a graduate of Business Administration from the University of the Philippines where she received a UP Distinguished Alumna award in 2004. She has a masters degree in Business Administration from New York University.
Platforms/Advocacy of Cynthia Villar
Villar has been campaigning on a platform of providing jobs to the Filipino people especially women.
When she was a member of the House of Representatives, the former lawmaker said she authored and sponsored several legislations to protect the interests of women, children and the Filipino family.
She is also pushing “livelihood projects out of waste” on a national scope if she wins in the Senate race in the May elections.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Cynthia Villar Gets Another Endorsement From Catholic Conscience Vote Phil

FORMER Las Pinas Rep. Cynthia Villar got another boost in her senatorial bid after she was endorsed by the Catholic Conscience Vote Phils. (CCVP), an equipment of pro-life, pro-family charismatic communities and organizations.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Team PNoy in Villar’s Bailiwick
Team PNoy senatorial candidates trooped to Las Pinas City to ask support of city officials and community leaders in a get-together hosted by Sen. Manny Villar and Misis Hanepbuhay Cynthia Villar. Together with Team PNoy campaign manager Sen. Franklin Drilon and Las Pinas City officials led by Mayor Vergel Aguilar represented by wife, Imelda Aguilar, and Rep. Mark Villar (1st and 5th from left, respectively), senatoriable Sonny Angara, Jamby Madrigal and Loren Legarda represented by her son, Leandro Legarda-Leviste, courted the Las Pineros for the coming elections. Also present but are not in photo were Sen. Koko Pimentel, Ramon Magsaysay Jr., Antonio Trillanes III, and Bam Aquino represented by wife, Timi Gomez-Aquino
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
32 Random Things About Cynthia Villar
I' m sure that you know who Cynthia Villar is and she is No.32 in the ballot. Here are some random things about her that is not always written about.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Turning hanapbuhay into hanep-buhay
For eight years now, Go Negosyo has been helping Filipinos succeed from poverty through entrepreneurship. We are happy because we are seeing significant progress throughout the years, but our journey of transforming the nation was not easy. Changing the Filipino’s mindset about negosyo an keeping an enterprising attitude has been a constant challenge, but along the way we have met people and institutions who also believe in the advocacy and are willing to help us out.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Cynthia Villar unfazed by black propaganda

MAMBUSAO, CAPIZ, Philippines—Team PNoy senatorial candidate Cynthia Villar was unfazed by any black propaganda being waged against her and her family, saying their business dealings are legitimate and they have nothing to hide.
Villar’s husband, outgoing Senator Manny Villar, made headlines after he was reported as one of the personalities who allegedly owned a secret offshore corporation in the British Virgin Islands (BVI). But Mrs. Villar branded the report as another black propaganda.
“Black propaganda. Kasi open naman kami. Our business dealing is very open [to scrutiny] (It’s black propaganda. We are transparent),” she told reporters after attending a campaign sortie here.
“We are a public company. We invest. We don’t have to hide anything kasi kinita naman naming yan sa magaling na paraan (because we legitimately earned that),” she said.
“Wala naman tayong tinatago at saka hindi naman tayo takot. Talagang ganyan ang kampanya, maraming black propaganda (We are not hiding anything and we’re not afraid. That’s how the campaign really works; black propaganda will intensify).”
Rather than be affected by the controversy, Villar said she chose to focus on her campaign despite her high ranking in recent surveys.
“Alam mo, hindi bale nang somobra ang boto mo, huwag lang magkukulang,” she added.
Reposted from::
Monday, April 08, 2013
Cynthia Villar Receives Honoris Causa from Bataan Peninsula State University
Former Las PiƱas Representative and Team PNoy senatorial candidate Cynthia Villar received an Honoris Causa in Doctor in Humanities from the Bataan Peninsula State University (BPSU) during its recent commencement exercise where she was guest of honor and speaker.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Cynthia Villar Hopes to Empower Women

Speaking in yesterday’s celebration of the Women’s Month in Pampanga, Villar also divulged that 95 percent of the OFWs who were provided assistance by the Villar Foundation’s Sagip-OFW were women.
Villar, known as “Misis Hanep Buhay,” is the managing director of the Villar Foundation, which has been helping our OFWs from different countries in the past 20 years.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Different Kinds Of Donations During Calamities
During recent calamities I often see Gang Badoy of Rocked call for donations on donating Used Underwear. I’ve looked this scheme up online and found various references to it. It doesn't matter if its bras or panties One article
says that bras are needed primarily and preferably in dark colours for
modesty reasons
I’ve also seen some disparaging comments online saying it is patronising and unhygienic to expect these women to take hand-me-down underwear. I personally feel strongly about the value of second-hand.
Surely it is a positive thing if the underwear is clean and if the women are not offended and most importantly if this plays a role in helping them. Rather than throw away your perfectly good undies, recycle them and help others. There's a website called Panty Deal that will buy used underwear so that they can donate to charity,
I’ve also seen some disparaging comments online saying it is patronising and unhygienic to expect these women to take hand-me-down underwear. I personally feel strongly about the value of second-hand.
Surely it is a positive thing if the underwear is clean and if the women are not offended and most importantly if this plays a role in helping them. Rather than throw away your perfectly good undies, recycle them and help others. There's a website called Panty Deal that will buy used underwear so that they can donate to charity,
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