Monday, April 25, 2016


Our country, The Philippines, is just a reflection of who we are as a person. Collectively, we are the so-called ills that put this country to its bended knees. The government is run by its people and we say in its boldest terms that it is corrupt, inefficient, unresponsive.  Here are the ways that they made up to convince that they are the solution to Fighting Corruption and Good Governance

Phase 1: Convince the people that the problems we're all struggling with are so immense. Crime. Terrorism. Corruption. Drugs. Name it -- it's all overwhelmingly huge. This is the strategy of threat inflation, and it works -- especially when people are afraid.

Phase 2: Convince the people that everything we've tried to solve those problems is failing. Ridicule all other politicians. Endlessly criticize the political system. Expose all the weaknesses and only the weaknesses continuously. Show that it's all pointless. This is the strategy of conflation -- lump all your opponents together.

Phase 3: Convince the people that all politicians are the same. That they're all corrupt, hypocritical, ineffective, whatever. All of them are part of the same system. Except him and he will stand out.This is the strategy of differentiation -- show you're unique, the only one who stands out.

Phase 4: Convince the people that the situation is desperate enough for desperate measures. And that the only solution that'll work is not Federalism. This is the strategy of desperation -- show that the only way out is to take desperate measures. The solution is a great platform and it's not something you make as you go along. Tell everyone that you are the salvation and that you bring Good Governance and with them there is change.

Classic fascist playbook. Hitler and the Nazis perfected it. Trump is showing how it works in the States. Le Pen has demonstrated its effectiveness in France and Wilders, in the Netherlands. Shall we let the Philippines fall into the hands of authoritarians like them?

We can do better. We deserve better. If you care about democracy, you should 

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