Saturday, November 19, 2005

Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire

I wanted to leave the office at 6 pm.
It just wasn't possible mom had to go somewhere
and she needed Joshwa's yaya to help her in
the kitchen. So I had to watch him while his yaya
was busy. Finally at 6:30PM when yaya was done
I gave Joshwa to her kissed my mom and
leave for SM. (Our meeting place)

We had a quick snack at the food court
and we went to Glorietta 1 to purchase
movie tickets. Walked around for a bit
looking for the perfect raffle prizes for
the scrapbook christmas party and
luckily I was able to find a cool
raffle prize.

Then headed for the cinema at around

After movie thoughts:

  • I loved the movie it was true to the book.
  • They're so grown up.. I can't believe it..
  • They chose really good parts this time.
  • I was disappointed with how they cast
Fleur Delacour & Cho Chang.

Friday, November 18, 2005


Was able to watch Constantine Maroulis
last night and I was blown away he was so good.

Constantine is so hot and sexy and he really
does have a good voice There is something
about him he has charisma and great stage

Music is about expression. Constantine
Maroulis knows how to not only express
emotion, but also provoke it. I admire his
ability to do whatever he feels right.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I'm now in Singapore currently enjoying a short
vacation.I want to move here ganda eh.
I can see us living here and starting a new life here.

Going to the US is also a good idea. It's just that
I'm starting to keep all options open.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

A Blast From the Past

I recently saw someone from my past.
I've always wondered whatever happened to that
person. Then from out of nowhere I have this
chance to see the person from a group photo
belonging to another friend's friendster account.
All thoughts of what could, should, would have
been have been erased. The if's and but's are now gone.
I wish that person a happy and quiet life.
One that is full of love, dreams and hopes.
The kind of life that I'm now starting to build for myself
and my son