Thursday, February 03, 2005

Happy Birthday Andie!

I initially wrote this for Andie's
5th Birthday Last January 26.

Happy Birthday my sweet little girl..
We've been through a lot this last
six months.. It was rough, tough,
bitter,sweet and joyful all at the same

I read somewhere that a mother once
said to her daughter. You may not have
grown from my belly. But you grew
from my heart. That's exactly how I
feel about you.

I regret not being there when you were
born. Not rocking you to sleep. Not
watching take your first step or see
you blow your 1st candle.

But that's all in the past because I know
that we can face the future together.
My promise to you is that I will try my
best to find a way to fix your papers
so that you can really be ours. We will
never migrate without you. You our
part of our family and no one can
tell us otherwise.

Every day is exciting as I continue to watch
you grow. I want you to always know
that in good and bad times.
I will love you and that no matter
what you do or how you think or
what you say you can depend on
my support, guidance friendship and
I love you every minute of everyday
I love being your mother. I will always
be your mom no matter what and nothing
can ever change that.

Happy Birthday Andie!

We love you so much..

Daddy, Mom & Joshwa

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